Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday already?

Wait! Where did the rest of the week go? How can it already be Saturday? I had plans on blogging sooner than this.I really did.

Oh well. What matters is that I DO blog. So here I go.

I have been a mad woman with crocheting. The big snowman that I made I gave to my MIL. She has it stilling on the kitchen table. :) I think she likes it.

I crocheted a smaller snowman for my swap partner.(no pictures right now..I don't want to spoil the surprise.)

I made a sale in my Artfire shop. It was a dice bag. So I crocheted 2 more. They will be added to my shop tomorrow. Here is a sneak preview for just my readers.

I am working on more bags right now. I think the D&D/role playing folks are finding them at last. :) YAY

Well time to get back to work on those bags. Have a great day everyone and if you have snow where you live make and eat some snow cream for me!



Lex said...

Those bags are cute! Sorry, no snow here. ;) (OK, I'm not really that sorry--I hate snow! LOL)

Nacole said...

Thanks! I love making them.
aww Why do you hate snow? It is pretty and fun to play in!

Thanks for reading and posting. :)