Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yes you read that right...Octopus! Last night for an early supper I wanted to put a twist on a favorite meal of ours. So I thought Octopus would change it up and add some fun to the meal.

But I do not eat seafood. So these was not what you think they are. These was made of HOT DOGS! You take raw hot dogs and cut them in half. Then cut an X at the end where you cut the hot dog in half. After that you just cook them as normal. When they are done the cut end will curl up and look like a 4 legged octopus!
My twist on a Bento Box.
Rice,Peas,Turkey Sausage,Boiled Potatoes and Octopus Hot dogs.
This is 2 servings.

Octopus hot dogs are also fun for kids! Kids love to treat them like chicken nuggets and dip them! Ok so hummm so do I! ^.^

On the knitting front I have secret knitting on the needles! hehehe Soon I will reveal what it is!

That is a Piddleloop bag.

Well for now that is all. Please make sure you leave a comment so I know you are reading my posts. Have a great day!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Catching up

WoW That week flew by! Where did it go?

I think I have gotten hooked on doll collecting.I purchased a Barbie (did you know they had ones where you can change there heads?! I didn't!!).I also got a Liv doll. (I had never heard of that one before..but then again I have no kids or cousins that liked dolls.)

I spent last week trying to design clothes and stuff for them...let's just say I didn't get to much made. lol I can't work out how to make clothes in my head for some reason.(not pictured is a hat and cowl)
1 shawl,2 scarfs and a blanket.

Besides this I haven't done anything else crafty.It's been a slow week.
Till today that is! I have cast on something big! I have made it before and enjoyed it.Tho I made a change to it last time that I didn't like.So this time I am NOT going to change the pattern at all! I want this one to be right!
Once I get some good work on it I will post it here for you all to see.

I have been reading more tho! I read Dead(ish). It was only 100 pages but it was cute! (it is free from for Nook download!) There is a 2nd book to it but I forget the name. (it is 99 cents on for the nook) This payday I am going to buy it for sure!

Right now I am reading Evermore. It is a good book also!I am 1/2 done with it already. Tomorrow I go to the library and check out Fat Vampire! Yes you read that right "FAT" vampire! I downloaded the sample to see if it was something I might is...well as far as the sample would let me read that is. I hope the book will be good just like the sample. ;)

I guess you see my Etsy shop isn't open. I have decided it's not worth it.The fees are to high and them taking more money every time you make a sale is crazy! I would be losing to much money. So I am working on cleaning my Artfire shop up and redoing it. I have TONS of stuff on sale in my shop! Check it out wont you?! ^.^

Well 5:30 am comes early.I think I will end this here and do some knitting before going to bed. Have a great night everyone.Pet your favorite wool for me and please leave a comment after the beep.....BEEEEEEP!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A day full of fun!

Today the hubby had light duty to do at Labor Finders. I wanted out of the house so I went with him.I dropped him off at work just before 8am and got his check to deposit at the bank.
Well the bank didn't open till 9 so I sat in the car and knitted till it opened.After that I went to the Library which is a block away. I had time to kill till 1pm so I had a friend and her daughter meet me there at 10.She is learning how to spin with her drop spindle and she needed some help.

I had a great time talking with her and helping her. In the end she was not drafting it thin enough and she was putting to much twist into it. But we got that all sorted out.I told her now I wanted to spin but didn't have any roving.I would have to buy some when I got home...she told me as a ty for helping I could have one of her batts of fiber! O.o So now I got some pretty Pink,Gray and brown colored roving to play with this weekend! Keep an eye out for a Spinning post soon.

After almost 2 hours of chatting it up she had to go.So I played around on the net and knitted till almost 1. Then I got the hubby and grabbed a bit to eat. (we hadn't had anything since supper last night. oops)

Tomorrow I plan on going with him again and hanging out at the Library alone. I tend to get lots of knitting done there. ;) But after I get him I have to take him to his 1st Physical Therapy appointment. I hope this helps his back so he can go back to really working and take the corset off..he hates that thing! lol

Yesterday the power bill came in and was almost $500! O.o The mil and us talked and we can't stay in the living room as much anymore since we are trying to heat a HUGE room with a little heater. So we started giving her $100 a month to go towards the power.But we have moved back to the bedroom.But we set up work areas so we can do our thing. ;) We have a gas heater in this room and its smaller so we should be good.

On the crafting front I tried my hand at something new tonight. I made a small doll/barbie quilt! All on my own! I am sooo happy! I like the look of it and the MIL side she liked it to!
I am going to open my Etsy store back up and put my sewn items in it. :) Tomorrow I will blog the link to it so you all can see it. I might get another one made today...but I'm not sure. Either way my shop will open tomorrow.

Well time for me to do more crafting! Please do not forget to leave me a comment here so I know your reading. Have a great Day/Night!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lazy Sunday's and BJD!

Today is a slow day. It has been spent sitting on the couch with my husband and watching Torchwood. I have also bee chatting it up on the Ravelry boards.

I am interested in getting a BJD. I saw one a few months ago in person and I really liked it. The only problem is these dolls are $150 and way up. Not in my price range.
So I was talking on the ABJD thread on Ravelry and found out about a different line of dolls called Basaak.It is a knock off of the Blythe. Much less costly. Around $25. So I am saving up to get myself one.
Only catch is I have to get the money from the sales in my Artfire shop to buy the doll. So I have a great deal going.

Purchase anything from my shop and get FREE SHIPPING! (to the US and Canada only) You get this deal ONLY if you enter the code JANUARY in when you check out. :)

(deal ends Sunday 1/16/2011)

Ok so enough advertising. ;)

In the knitting world I am working on a mini blanket and tomorrow I will be casting on a sock. I made 1 sock some time ago and never got around to casting on its mate.Tho I am not sure I want to make its mate.I forget what needles size I used for the 1st sock.I don't want to make the other sock bigger or smaller than the 1st one. I guess I will sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow.

Well I am going to end it here. I am going to get back to blanket knitting and watching Torchwood with the hubby. Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 E-Book Reading Challenge

I have just found out about the 2011 E-Book Reading Challenge.I had promised myself right before 2011 started that I would read at least 5 books in 2011. Now this is how I can do it and keep track of it.

I am #246 on the list to join!

The Challenge has different levels. 5 Books isn't an option and I do not want to sign myself up for 6 books since I am also doing the 52in52 deal. So I vow to complete the "Curious" level..that is 3 books.

Hey I know 3 books isn't a lot.But when in the past I am lucky to read 1 book a year...3 is a big deal. ;)

I do not know what books I will read.I am reading a few books right now that I need to finish. I am NOT going to count those since they was started MONTH's ago.

Keep checking back to see what book becomes #1 on my list!

Have a great day and if you have ANY form of an E-book please consider joining us!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Welcome 2011! I know I am 7 days late...but at least it's still January. LOL

I have vowed to blog at least once a week for 52 weeks! Not just 52 posts..but 1 post every week for 52 weeks! So here is my 1st blog entry.

To catch you up I have entered 52 in 52 in 2011 on Ravelry.So far I am at 2.
Week 1 was some Coasters.My goal was to knit 2 of them.I do want more but am not worried if 2 is all I have.So I called them done.

Week 2.....drum roll please.....SOCKS! I loved knitting them.But man...that sure was a lot of purling.I decided to change up the heels and toes.I needed a break from the purling.

Right now there is NOTHING on the needles.But I am sure I will fix that problem tomorrow. ;) Well it's late and I am sleepy.So good night friends.Please don't forget to leave a message that you read my post and if you talk to me please remind me to blog. Thanks
