Monday, September 20, 2010


Hi all! I am back. I kept meaning to post but would fall asleep early or get caught up in something else. *sigh* But here I am at last.

I made a account on Flicker for my pictures.This way I can share all my pictures without cluttering my blog. Oh I will still post a few pictures but not all of them. ^.^

In crafting news...I finished something!

I crocheted these based on a pattern. They came out wonderful! I plan on making many more of these. I have an idea for another one. (not in any pattern)

I have also made a mini stocking..but I don't care for it. *sigh*

(will post a picture on my Flicker account soon)

I am VERY close to being done with my Citron shawl. I would be done by now but every time I knit on it I almost fall asleep.

I did finish reading a book tho. "Needles and Pearls" It was a good read. Only I had a hard time with the British terms. LOL Now I am listening to "One for the Money". I like listening to books. It means I have my hands free to do other things.

Well that's all for right now. I will make sure to post again soon. Take care!



Knifty Thrifty said...

Those are so cute! I think I'm going to have to make some!

lily said...

Those really came out well!!

Nacole said...

Knifty Thrifty They are fun to make!
But made my hands hurt.

Lily They did! I am happy about that! I want to make more.